To the Woman Over 40 Who Feels Like She’s Doing Everything Right but Still Isn’t Seeing Results…
…one strategic phase at a time.
There are 4 Essential Phases Every Strength Training Plan Needs if You Actually Expect to:
Read on to see how you too Can Take the Guesswork Out of Training & Follow a Done-for-You Plan That Delivers Real Results!
"I finally have muscle definition I never thought I could get in my 40s!"
"I stopped cutting calories and actually lost inches!"
"After years of cardio obsession, I feel stronger and leaner than ever!"
It’s No Wonder Our Clients Are RAVING About Our Unique Strength Training Approach! 🎉
Losing fat kinda sucks. Especially if no one has ever told you the real reason your body is working against you!
If you’re like most women I work with, you’ve been dieting for decades, following the “eat less, move more” mantra, and getting worse results each time...
You’re not broken. Your metabolism isn’t doomed. But the way you’ve been taught to train?
...that’s the real problem!
Because the reality is this:
Whether you’re currently doing (or want to be doing!) a metabolism reset, muscle-building, or fat loss phase...
Think about it! How many women over 40 are lifting, tracking meals, and even saying yes to more protein…
But still don’t look like they work out?
Way. Too. Many.
Why does fat loss feel like a battle that keeps getting harder every year?
Because it DOES!
So then why would you continue to throw random 21-day “challenges” at a problem that has compounded over 20 years?
So, if you’re simply jumping from one challenge or program to the next, hoping this time it will work, then...
I mean... has it worked so far? If you’re like most women who come to me, it’s very likely a “no.”
But this is all okay! Because when you’re leaving progress on the table, sometimes it’s as simple as picking it up!
And you will start picking up that progress when your body finally gets the structured, progressive strength training plan it needs to build muscle, burn fat, and boost metabolism!
When most women over 40 want to lose fat, they approach it backwards.
They think they need to lose weight first, then focus on muscle.
But the real secret? The more muscle you build first, the easier fat loss becomes.
And you already know that when you’re actually seeing progress, it’s a LOT easier to “trust the process” and stick to the plan.
When they don’t see the scale move in the direction they want, they crank up the cardio and lose even more muscle by creating an even bigger calorie deficit.
That’s like trying to fill a leaky bucket with more water!
🚨 Your Training Plan Might Be Working Against You 🚨
Instead of fixing the leak—building a solid foundation of muscle—they keep trying to patch things up by working harder, slashing calories, and pushing through exhaustion.
👉 More cardio.
👉 More restrictions.
👉 More metabolic slowdown.
And when that doesn’t work? They double down.
They cut more carbs, increase fasting windows, and hop onto the latest “metabolism reset” detox they saw on Instagram.
But here’s the problem: You can’t outwork a broken system.
If your training isn’t focused on periodization and muscle-building, you’re not setting your body up to burn fat effectively. You’re just making it easier to lose muscle and store fat.
So, they keep chasing weight loss instead of strength. They stay stuck in the endless cycle of cutting, plateauing, regaining, and starting over.
And after a while?
🚫 They feel like their metabolism is broken.
🚫 They believe fat loss just isn’t possible anymore.
🚫 They think strength training “doesn’t work” because they didn’t do it long enough to see real results.
But here’s the truth:
The body you want—strong, lean, toned—requires muscle.
The more muscle you build, the more food you can eat, the more fat your body burns at rest, and the easier weight management becomes.
And the only way to do that? A structured, progressive strength training plan that actually works with your metabolism, not against it.
Mid-life fat gain is extremely common for women. Metabolism slows, body fat increases and redistributes (as in - packs up and moves from one location on your body to another!) as the female body progresses through and beyond child-bearing years. However, seemingly age-related body composition changes actually have very little to do with AGE, and more to do with sedentary lifestyles and LOSS of muscle mass. Metabolic age and chronological age are NOT the same.
Science shows that metabolism doesn’t really slow down when activity level and muscle mass stay the same.
Trust me. You’ll see “too bulky” coming from a mile away! The harsh reality is that it’s actually easier for women to lose muscle than it is to build it. Building muscle is definitely NOT easy to do accidentally. It takes focus, intention, patience, and a strategic combination of progressive overload + a surplus of food. This is why I teach my students how to apply a simple phase-based eating strategy, to make sure that only lean mass is added, rather than implementing the old-school, bodybuilder “fat bulk” phase.
I don’t need to tell you that while this theory seemed believable at age 22, each passing year (let’s face it...decade) has led up to one surprising reality: without taking muscle mass into consideration, “skinny” becomes a constantly moving target. What seemed like a “too much fat” problem in the beginning, has likely compounded into a “too little muscle” problem. After years of chasing that fleeting number on the scale - it probably feels nearly impossible to even replicate what you once thought was "good" progress.
Whether you WANT tons of muscle or not, doesn't matter if your goal REQUIRES it. (hint: if your goal is fat loss, it requires it!)
If you are like my other clients, you probably feel like time is NOT on your side, and that if you don’t lose the weight right will probably never happen. Most people think to get RESULTS they have to slash more calories, do more cardio, or eat less carbs. Societal (or internal) pressure to see the scale to go down by-any-means-necessary only compounds the problem by misplacing your focus.
The truth is, your scale weight isn’t the problem, the real culprit is the intense lack of muscle mass needed to get the job done. In other words, only after muscle is regained, will fat loss efforts be fully supported.
When you ditch the scale addiction, and take the time needed to actually rebuild that precious muscle mass, you will be able to finally see lasting results without spending another decade (or two) of your life losing (and regaining) the same 5, 15, 50 lbs.
Your chances of losing fat and keeping it off is 10x BETTER when you’re starting from a muscular surplus!
“Every year, thousands of weight loss hopefuls pay big bucks to add another cardio machine to their dust collection, or sign up for another “on demand” workout membership to add to their already random/sporadic routine.
But the fact is:
- more cardio will not solve the muscle loss equation.
- selecting whatever workout you’re in the mood for will not give you a strategic result.
If you want a specific result, you have to perform specific actions!
Random just won’t cut it anymore.
If you don’t want to lift weights, there are definitely ways to lose weight without building an ounce of muscle. HOWEVER, I encourage all my students to take advantage of the metabolic edge (increased BMR, lower metabolic age, easier fat loss, youthful muscle tone, etc) that muscle building gives. With a few simple tweaks, even a dedicated “cardio bunny” can be transformed into a metabolic rockstar!
There’s a reason why your fat loss efforts have slowed
...and it’s directly related to how much muscle mass you’ve lost from diet and aging.
Muscle loss = metabolic aging:
Whether you’ve been dieting 21 days or 21 years, all hope is not lost.
You can still rebuild your muscle mass, and get fat loss results of someone 2, 5, 15 years younger!
But here’s the thing… muscle building is not a random, accidental, or overnight process.
With the 4-stage periodization of the EM2WL Training App:
Watch your strength and muscle gains go through the roof, just in the first few phases.
Random workouts will always give random results - which typically means DIY dieters spend most of their journey moving one step forward, and five steps back, never truly understanding what gives them results (and if it does, why).
Whether you’re seeking fat loss, maintenance, or simply a higher quality of life as you age - building muscle is KEY. So why risk botching such a critical element of your journey with experimental piecemealing of random YouTube, Pinterest, IG workouts together in haphazard phases.
It’s not that the workouts are “bad,” but it's highly likely that you’re doing them out of order, minimizing your result possibilities. You don’t need me to tell you that - Pinterest has no idea what workout you did 12, 24, 36 weeks ago - or how to compound on it. (But... the app does!)
This is why I’m so excited for this special offer.
While you should never stop stalking Pinterest for new things to DIY - knowing when to bring in a pro can get your results so. much. faster (and save you yearsss of time wasted, recovering from a botched DIY!)
‘Cuz, yeah.
You’re busy.
You can’t afford to waste time.
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from decades of research, certifications, a degree in Exercise Science, training Personal Trainers, and (more importantly) being in the trenches with clients…
The EM2WL Method Workout App
Isn’t another collection of “on-demand” workouts - it’s a monthly blueprint.
Yes, you’ll receive new plug and play workout plans every month, but more importantly, you’ll learn the strategies behind everything you do, AND have a meticulous, step-by-step, project plan that leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted as you implement it.
The end result: Advanced levels of strength, muscle gains, and fat loss capacity.
In just 3-4 workouts per week!
All Access Pass!
📲 1️⃣ The EM2WL Training App: Done-For-You Workout System
✔️ Science-backed periodization program
✔️ Monthly training phases
✔️ Home & Gym Versions
✔️ Built-in tracking
✔️ Time-efficient workouts
📖 2️⃣ The Workout Vault: Educational Hub
✔️ Video Walkthroughs
✔️ Member-only Trainings
✔️ Downloadable PDFs
✔️ Exercise/Equipment Modifications
💬 3️⃣ Live Monthly Office Hours (Coaching & Q&A)
✔️ Ask Me Anything
✔️ Break Through Plateaus
✔️ Stay Motivated & Accountable
🔥BONUS #1: Exclusive EM2WL Community Access
🔥BONUS #2: Master Your Metabolism Workshop
🔥BONUS #3: Beginner Strength Training Manual
Most Flexible Plan!
📲 1️⃣ The EM2WL Training App: Done-For-You Workout System
✔️ Science-backed periodization program
✔️ Monthly training phases
✔️ Home & Gym Versions
✔️ Built-in tracking
✔️ Time-efficient workouts
📖 2️⃣ The Workout Vault: Educational Hub
✔️ Video Walkthroughs
✔️ Member-only Trainings
✔️ Downloadable PDFs
✔️ Exercise/Equipment Modifications
💬 3️⃣ Live Monthly Office Hours (Coaching & Q&A)
✔️ Ask Me Anything
✔️ Break Through Plateaus
✔️ Stay Motivated & Accountable
🔥BONUS #1: Exclusive EM2WL Community Access
🔥BONUS #2: Master Your Metabolism Workshop
🔥BONUS #3: Beginner Strength Training Manual
“I didn't think I needed a trainer (after all, I'm a certified trainer myself!) much less a training app... Until I realized that if I wanted to step up and reach my goals I needed a coach! Even trainers need a trainer!”
- Tereza T
A new workout automatically loads into your calendar every 4 weeks - which is good for you because the digital training log, rest timer, and PR (personal record!) prompts keep you consistent and laser-focused on making improvements every. single. workout.
This rocks because you’ll always be able to see and prepare for the next phase before it even loads in the app. If life hits, you get sick, miss a workout, or have to go on vacation in the middle of a phase that you LOVE, and see a new workout in the app when you get back, you can head over to the Vault and pick right back up where you left off. PLUS, it never hurts to have a hard copy of your workouts should technology fail, OR if digital tracking just isn’t your jam.
You'll love it because you can simply press “play” before starting ANY phase, and I’ll walk you through the coming phase, tell you exactly what to expect, where/when to modify, and how to periodize your eats to match your workouts.
Which is awesome because having minimal-to-no-equipment workouts on tap is a Godsend when traveling, too busy to get to the gym...or during a global quarantine.
So important because even though you have access to Google, Instagram, YouTube and 38294857 on-demand bodyweight workouts… stand-alone workouts, devoid of progressive overload - can only get you so far before you start to see diminishing returns.
If you’ve been embracing randomness since 2020 - waiting for life to go “back to normal” - it’s time to move forward. The 6 week bodyweight plan removes all excuses, and will ease you into a periodization right away, and start compounding results again while you accumulate equipment for future phases.
And to Make Sure You’re Supported Every Step of The Way, You’ll Also Get Access To...
Access To The EM2WL Method Private Facebook Community, where I’ll host a Monthly Office Hours + Ask-Anything Q&A sesh to help you with day to day questions regarding exercise modifications, equipment suggestions, form pointers, calories/macros and matching your eats to the workouts / EM2WL phases, based on your goals and your new normal.
Master Your Metabolism Workshop to help you create a personalized 90 day strategy for your goals.
Beginner Strength Training Manual {which includes an additional 12-week plan!} to assist you in understanding the “why” behind certain “rules” of strength training, and teach you how to take any workout (even FREE ones you find on Pinterest/YouTube) and structure them into your own personal periodized plan.
Watch this video to see a sneak peek into what to expect inside the Workout Vault Portal
Every 4 weeks a new workout will be released inside of your app. You just log in, and get to work. Once you’ve done any exercise once, the app will remind you of what weight to use the next time. Do the workouts in the order released via app for best results.
However, if life takes over, or for any reason you need to do a different workout than the one that appears in your app, you will have access to The Workout Vault, to choose an option better suited for your space/time/equipment situation.
Should you have any questions about your workout plan, workout substitutions, or how to eat during a particular phase, post your question in our private facebook, or bring it to our monthly ask-anything Q&A sesh.
If you are choosing a specific goal (muscle gain, fat loss, increased metabolism, etc), committing to it, matching your food intake to it, and hitting a consistency goal of 80% or more with your workouts, you should start seeing the first signs of progress toward that goal within about 12 weeks or so, and by the end of your first year - your tracking method* should show obvious changes.
If you’re not exactly sure what “results” you’re looking for, are inconsistent, or hesitant to do what it takes to reach the goal - results will vary, and be hard to measure.
* You must know what you want, what it takes, and have some method of properly tracking progress, to know whether or not “results” are happening. (Our Bonus Blueprint Building call will help you to nail down the exact timelines for your goals.)
Why wait? You’ve likely already been out of commission (or doing random workouts) long enough, and although these workouts are guaranteed, this crazy low rate is not.
Every workout offers a home AND gym option, and there is even a 6-week no-equipment periodized plan if you currently have access to zero equipment.
The 6-week bodyweight plan gives enough time for
a) you to sign up for a gym membership, or
b) you to start collecting a few inexpensive pieces of equipment (resistance band, stability ball, etc.) to begin the next phase of the periodization from home.
Not having access to a gym does not change the fact that some sort of progressive overload will be required in order to continue making progress. Simply looking for new plans that utilize the same moves, with the same weight and rep range do not push you to grow, and will not help your bottom line.
Time spent researching random workouts is time that could be spent finding new, macro-friendly recipes, clearing out frumpy closet items, and shopping for jeans to compliment your new "squat booty." ;) ;);
You’ll get access to the digital workouts inside of the app, and the PDF plans inside of the Workout Vault immediately after signing up.
Yes. While this is not a coaching group, you will be able to submit questions inside of the App messenger, as well as create posts and interact with me (Kiki) inside of a private community to get the support that you need as you work your way through each phase. Additionally, during the monthly live chats and bonus (group) Zoom sessions, you'll be able to engage and ask for more personal feedback in real time. This is currently the lowest investment for this level of interaction.
One word. Periodization. It’s what separates the pros from the amateurs. The results-based exercisers from the recreational, DIY exercisers. There is no on-demand or free workout plan that assures that your entire year is periodized. You may find a 4-week plan here, and a 12-week plan there, but where should each one fit in the grand scheme?
A one-off, stand-alone workout is awesome if you’re just getting started, or for warding off the blahs. Newbies gains However, just like you can’t string together a bunch of random classes together at the local community college to equal a specific degree, you can’t expect to randomly weave together a YouTube workout here, and a Pinterest workout there and get a specific physique result.
Side note: the app workouts only require about 3-4 days per week, so there is still plenty of space to incorporate a fave random, or on-demand workout - should you desire - in addition to your scheduled app workouts.
This depends highly on what you consider to be a "ton" of equipment. This program is less about the exact equipment that you need, and more about whether you're willing to do what it takes to consistently challenge your muscles to get the results you're looking for.
Because this program is about periodization, and progressive overload, you will ABSOLUTELY get stronger and become capable of lifting heavier weights as you progress through each phase. So if you have aversions to "changing" anything about your current workouts, intensity level, equipment, etc. then you are not ready to "periodize." Continuing to use equipment/workout styles that your body has adapted to means stifling your progress, in which case the program will not work for you.
However if you come to each and every phase ready to make it work, I'm there to meet you every step of the way. Utilize our community and Office Hours calls we'll put our heads together to come up with creative ideas for making each and every phase work for your setup, budget, etc.
That being said, if you have dumbbells, a bench/step (stability ball or floor works too!), and the willingness to expand as needed - you should be able to get started with what you have.
If you're still reading this, you're obviously thinking about getting The EM2WL App + Workout Vault.
You want to get rid of the doubt, confusion, and inconsistency in your workout routines.
You want to rebuild your muscle mass, lose some fat, and finally see some muscle definition (even though it’s harder now, and you feel bad even being concerned about it with all that’s going on right now).
You have a 1 YEAR Guarantee, so you don't have to decide. Sign up now and access the workouts for a FULL year. If you do the work, and don't see results, get your money back!
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